Ideas to Make Small Spaces Look Big

Is your house small?  Do the tightly spaced rooms give you a hard time? We have the solution for you ! With our tips and tricks, you can fool the eye to see a room larger than it seems. Lets make your small room look bigger with these 6 great tips !

  • Stay Minimal & Avoid Clutter

Keep the room minimal, simple and convenient. By reducing the number of objects in the room, you are avoiding distractions that take away the beauty of the room. Sometimes less is indeed more. Have one part of the room be eye catching by using a single centrepiece. 

  • Place Mirrors !
I cant express how important mirrors are in fooling the eye to think a room is bigger than it actually is. By reflecting light, mirrors give a sense of greater dimension. 

  • Distribute Light Everywhere

We already discussed the importance of mirrors in reflecting light. However, you need a great light source. Rather than having 1 central ceiling light, distribute table and floor lamps across the room to glow your interior. Another solution would be to open all windows and rely on natural light to do the trick. Fully opening your windows connects your room to the outdoors which unlocks the room limitations. 

  • Light Colours 

The advantage of light coloured furniture and walls is that it helps with the reflection of light across the room. Light colours play a visual illusion in making things look bigger. 

  • Glass Furniture 

See -through furniture like glass cocktail tables don't look like they are occupying much space regardless of their size. 

  • Multi-functional Furniture
Utilise hidden storage or multi-functional furniture to save space and build a convenient space. Furniture can be folded, stacked, tucked or even rolled away.